Our Story

Hempire Collective is a one woman show; founded by Trimayne Meader who started a career in fashion design, studying, interning and then going on to work in the fashion industry for many years in Sydney. Trimayne later discovered that the high end mainstream fashion culture no longer aligned with her core values of sustainability and ethics. Trimayne eventually decided to leave this world and pack up her life and move to Northern NSW taking on a totally different career path, studying Permaculture and working in Bush Regeneration. She found her path working with the earth and living intimately with the cycles of nature ; she quickly became more aware of her choices and the environmental footprint that follows those choices.

The idea was sparked for Hempire Collective when Trimayne struggled to find comfortable sustainable underwear on the market. Trimayne decided to incorporate her background in fashion design with her passion for sustainability by creating a brand that completely aligns with her values. Hempire Collective was born from a deep love of working intimately with the earth and a devotion to changing the way we do fashion. 

In 2019, Trimayne travelled around India, Nepal and China researching natural fibres, textiles and exploring the cultivation and production of HEMP as a textile in Asia. Discovering how these ancient fibres have been traditionally cultivated for centuries has been a constant inspiration to us throughout our journey with Hempire Collective.


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